Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Fashion Year Book: Meeting 02.

So today we had our meeting with Paul and it could not have gone better. We presented Paul with the things he needed to do. To email the Fashion students asking them to supply us with information: 40 words max on their design practice, their web address, their email address and their phone number. We agreed to set a deadline and if they don't meet it, then they will not be in the year book. It's a system Fred put in place for our yearbook and it's a good one to motivate people and stop them dragging behind. So that's been agreed to be emailed by monday.

He also agreed to contact the photography department to begin organising a photographer, but we've also managed to secure Adam Fussell between the meeting and now(linked earlier in the blog so this might not be an issue, but we will have the discussion with Paul.

We then showed him my pitch that I'd worked on for the yearbook (a group discussion had led to the conclusion that it was the most resolved and it looked specifically at how to resolve the two different pathways that the course has.

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