Sunday, 6 February 2011

Graphic Design Proposal: Evaluation.

Overall the year book pitch was ok, what we have done in 3 and a half days is good. I wouldn't say what we have produced is amazing because i feel it doesn't get the concept across which in my eyes is a fail, however, its done, the idea is there just that it needs a little more work.

Working with Kate, Ben and Johnny has been good. We have all been walking hard, more so Ben because of the amount of different spreads that he did. Johnny has been in helped at times but is bogged down with a major brief that needs completing soon. Theres been no arguments which is good and bad, depends how you look at it. At times i feel that people have just said 'yes;' and not expressed what they really want to say. A bit of lengthy debate can make the overall design much better. It can also allow the project to move more quicker because its more focused. This maybe something i might have to say if we win this pitch or when we do the fashion brief.

To conclude i like to say that for the next stage, graphics or fashion, we as a team need to work more independently and produce more design directions. I feel that we might of not explored every avenue like other groups did. But this is something we can learn from and i look forward to working with the others with the next project.

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